Normal (?)


Filed under Prose and Poetry

3 Responses to Normal (?)

  1. An insightful reflection, as always, Carol. Thank you! I’m giving much thought to the line about our “sense of trust in the sameness of what will happen according to what has happened before” and how that “sameness … gives us comfort.” I’ve often thought about how the “sameness” of things from day to day tricks us into mistaking continuity for permanence, in contradiction to the core Buddhist teaching of the impermanence of all things. Now, thanks to your insight, I’m recognizing that it also tricks us into a false sense of comfort in “the normal”. And, whether we like it or not, I suspect that the current events in Washington will soon be challenging us all “to see more clearly in the midst of our discomfort.”

  2. Elissa Cobb

    Great poem, my friend. Love the ending question. another reading for yoga class! thank you!

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