Failure of Imagination

My concern this week is that
the fear and trauma of recent days
threatens to diminish our imagination.

Have you any idea how important
our collective imagination is?

Consider the tragedy of 9/11.
Even the most influential among us
believed we would not have been
so defenseless.

Collectively we don't quite believe
the Climate Crisis is happening
all around us even when we see it.

We generally focus on the
individual pieces of the puzzle,
oblivious to the bigger picture

Which leads us to look around
for who or what to blame and
maybe dismiss connections in front of us.

So we have allowed the emperor in,
expecting he will fix all the problems
on our list of who or what to blame.

He and his helpers now take
a sledge hammer to much of what is
actually useful and important
on a scale we have not imagined.

We must now take a peak at
the bigger picture and
the destructive results
as the numbers mount higher.

We must imagine what wrecks
the lives of some of the people
will also affect the rest of us in ways
you must imagine now.

Before you begin to search for
who and what to blame,
remember why you choose
a life in this country.

Remember that it's always been
ideas and stories that inspired
what we imagine this country to be.

This current upheaval will no doubt
reshape our ideas of who we are
as a country.

Let us direct our imagination
to capture what's happening now
so we can reimagine our way out.
Because of course we can.


Filed under Prose and Poetry

2 Responses to Failure of Imagination

  1. Keith Voos

    Yes, we have to imagine how to get out of this mess and how we can join together with others to do it!

  2. Your insightful assertion that “what wrecks / the lives of some of the people / will also affect the rest of us” really resonates, Carol. As does your inspiring closing thought, “of course we can.” May it be so.

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